Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Childhood is such a short season

I have been trying to think of what I should write for my first "official" blog post :)  I read something today on my Facebook news feed that I really loved and it inspired me to write more:
"Isn't it strange how opposite our culture is to the example Christ set? He said "let the children come to me" and yet our society continually looks for ways to get the children out of our way. Set the tone by enjoying every child that crosses your path today and in this way you will also be following Christ's example"
 As a parent in my early 30's who homeschools, I often run into this kind of attitude in many parents.  The conversation usually goes like this:
"You homeschool your kids?  Wow....I couldn't do that.  I think I'd go crazy if I had to be around my kids ALL DAY."
I'm sorry....what??  Is it really that big of an undertaking to WANT to be around the children that God has blessed me with and actually enjoy it?  It shouldn't be - but apparently it is.  
Don't get me wrong - there are definitely some days that are trying and most days usually have an element of frustration that comes along with it.  But I would never trade it for a quiet house, "me time" that so many mothers feel is necessary to their sanity (that's a whole other post! lol), or anything else in the world.  I'm so saddened when I hear parents speak so negatively about their kids - about how they can't wait for "this phase" or "that phase" to be over.  They're always going to be going through something - why waste those precious moments wishing it would be over?  Why not spend your time enjoying the benefits of those stages - because there are many.  You just have to look for them - or maybe more accurately, WANT to look for them.   It's so much easier to see the negative, isn't it?  How many times has someone pointed out to us the one thing that we forgot to do instead of seeing the 10 things that we ALWAYS do?  How did that make you feel?  Now imagine how that makes our children feel.  And they hear us talking about them - even the littlest of ones know when they're being talked about.
"Troubles may invade [the home], but these are the lot of humanity. Let patience, gratitude, and love keep sunshine in the heart though the day may be ever so cloudy.  The home may be plain, but it can always be a place where cheerful words are spoken and kindly deeds are done, where courtesy and love are abiding guests.  Administer the rules of the home in wisdom and love, not with a rod of iron. Children will respond with willing obedience to the rule of love. Commend your children whenever you can."
My challenge to you today is to ENJOY your children.  Pay them compliments; tell them how much you appreciate them; let them be kids.  Realize that childhood is such a short season and we need to take hold of those moments NOW....not later, not when we have enough money, not when the kids aren't tired or grumpy, not when your favorite TV show is over, not after you've answered all your emails, not when the weather is sunny....NOW.  You won't regret it - I promise :)